Storytelling through Film

Modern Ancestry is thrilled to announce collaboration with filmmaker and certified Storyteller, Scott Potter.  Scott is the founder and lead storyteller at Hidden Catalyst.  His visually stunning pieces have focused on finding the story embedded within.

Your ancestors life had a purpose.  It led to your life today and who you are as a person. It was filled with adversity, perseverance, adventure, and secrets. These stories were meant to be discovered and shared. Modern Ancestry offers a unique experience to uncover this story. We don't rehash facts or convert research reports to video.  We explore your family's past and what it means to you.  Scott will dig deep to unearth your family's past and create a personally crafted film documenting your family's legacy.

The process doesn't simply involve sitting down family members in front of a camera and asking a list of questions, much like other services offer.  Scott has a carefully crafted process (developed by Emmy Award winning Muse Storytelling) to unearth who your ancestors were and what that means to you as a person. At the heart of every good story is a connection to why someone does or wants what they do; a connection to what makes up who we are. Modern Ancestry and Hidden Catalyst work together to bring that story to light and develop a customized project.  We take on limited projects each year to fully devote our efforts to the stories we've committed to.  For more information and a proposal for your film project, contact us by clicking on the "Discover your Origins" button.